I wish I read this book earlier. It would have saved me from reading many more to arrive at the same conclusion. While this promises to teach you how to earn from what you do, it does more than that. It clears the mental garbage that comes with understanding what money is, it helps you understand the power of purpose, it helps you understand the power of mastery, and it helps you see that these things take time. Masters are not born in a day. Wealth is not created in a day. There is no overnight success.
I highlighted a lot of passages from this book. I will share some of them with you.
The power of questions
I have always thought that questions are more important than answers. You can't get the right answers if you can’t ask the right questions. For instance, I know a lot of people who look at rich people and ask the question, “God, why am I the only one poor? Why are you punishing me?” but that’s not the right question that will lead to wealth, the right question will be “How did so and so become rich? How can I copy their principles?”. These two are questions; one can lead to envy, while the other will lead to wealth. Questions are important, and the right questions are even far more important. Niyi helps the reader to ask the right questions.
Each of us has some unique talents or gifts. I’ve met a few people who can’t believe this. But it’s the truth. No human arrived on this earth without some talent. There is always something you can do better than anyone else. There is always something you can do more easily. Those are pointers to your life calling. In this book, the author helps you think about these and provide some questions that could help you identify yours.
Hunger Quotient (HQ)
You’ve probably heard of IQ, intelligent Quotient. But have you heard of HQ? Hunger Quotient. Niyi writes, “Many factors different the successful from the unsuccessful. However, one factor that makes all the difference is Hunger! The hunger to grow, to become more, to persevere, and to grow. Hunger is a common denominator in the lives of many successful people. It moves them to leap from one milestone to another”.
A Process For Growth
Talent is not enough. Gifts are not enough. Skills are not enough. One must commit to a process of refinement. A process of becoming better every day. Many talented people believe that being talented covers everything. Niyi shows that it is not enough. He uses the story of Cristiano Ronaldo to make his point clearly.
In the second part of this book, Niyi discusses product development, which is a product of research, testing, iteration, and endless updates. He goes into the nitty gritty of selling, promoting yourself, using social media, finding your audience, building a loyal base, and building relationships. He also talks about the things one needs to stay in business for a long time: character, integrity, trust, etc. The authors use acronyms to make things easy to recall. My favorite acronym is the KISS Principle. You’ve got to read the book to find out but be rest assured, it is not that corrupt thing in your mind.
Overall, this is a complete book that takes you from being an ordinary fellow to a fellow with complete knowledge of how to develop your skills, talent, and gifts and package it in a way that is valuable for the world. Once that happens, you’ve left the trenches.
I found the book to be easy to read and relate to. I enjoyed the stories. And I wish more books were written in this simple manner.
Niyi’s book will stand up there with all the best books on the subject.
If you are interested in developing a mindset for selling, this is a place to begin.
If you are interested in understanding yourself and your potential, this is a place to begin.
If you are interested in developing your talents, gifts, and potential, this is a place to begin.
Stalk this man on social media. Read everything he writes. He will save you time in wandering about the things that do not matter.
And buy his book. You can get the book by sending a message on whtsapp to +2347034570310 or directly from Amazon.