This is one book that will help you think about generational wealth using the Jewish people as an example.
This is one book that will help you think about generational wealth using the Jewish people as an example.
The Jewish people are successful to an unbelievable level.
Consider these 2007 statistics in the US:
The percentage of Jewish households with income greater than $50,000 was double that of non Jewish households
On the other hand, the percentage of Jewish households with income less than $20,000 was half that of non-Jews.
40% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans were Jewish
1/3 of American multimillionaires were tallied as Jewish
20% of professors at leading universities were Jewish.
40% of partners in the leading law firms in New York and Washington were Jewish.
30% of American Nobel Prize winners in science and 25 percent of all American Nobel winners were Jewish.
Forget that talk, it is not any special blessing. They are doing what you and I can do.
The author broke them down into seven.
(1) Understand that real wealth is portable; it's knowledge
(2) Take care of your own and they will take care of you
(3) Successful people are professionals and entrepreneurs
(4) Develop your verbal confidence
(5) Be selectively extravagant but prudently frugal
(6) Take pride in individuality: encourage creativity
(7) Be psychologically driven to prove something
Let's be wealthy! Let's end these generations of poverty on the African continent.