Dear Friend,
I hope this meets you well?
Ever since I learned to read, reading became a major part of my life. I read nearly always. Over the years I have come to a conclusion that reading is a skill, the same as cooking, or writing. It is something you learn, develop and become better at.
This is why I am organizing this Whatsapp Session. To share how I read, the tools I use, and how I am able to make the most of my reading. For some time now, I have avoided doing this. Yet, the constant stream of requests from people who want to develop the habit of reading has forced my hand. Learning is complete when shared. I want to share what has worked for me over the years.
Reading has literally changed my life. My belief is that it could do the same for you. It has been doing that for hundreds of years. Anyone who learns to read has acquired a life hack.
This Whatsapp Session holds only on a single day, after that, the whole group will be disbanded.
To be part of this, join by signing up on this link.
Perhaps you know a friend who wants to develop the habit of reading too, you can send this link to them. I look forward to interacting with you on the Whatsapp group!
Good night, Amigos!