Book reviews are Powerful ways to remember what you read. I've come to realize that most of what I remember many years later are the things I wrote in a review.
My recommendation is that you should write a review as early as 24 hours after reading a book.
That window period is a time of high motivation, the favourite passages from the book are still fresh in your mind and the most important lessons are at the top of your memory.
How do you write a book review? 🖋📝
➡️Start out with an introduction.
➡️The title of the book and the author. Anything surprising? Is his name long? Is it a pseudonym? Is he the son of somebody? Is he a prominent politician, an an activist? A Nobel prize winner? Identify that.
➡️How many pages does the book have? How many chapters does the book have? Is it divided into parts? Is it a series? Is it a fiction or a non fiction book? The reader of your review will want to know.
➡️What's the book about? What's the central message in the book?
➡️What facts, arguments or points does the author bring to convince his or her readers?
➡️If it is a story, whose story? Where is it based?
➡️What are the top lessons you picked from the book?
➡️Are there things you disagree with in the book? Are there things you wished did not happen in the story?
➡️What's your conclusion?
➡️What's your rating? Over 5. Is it 5/5 or 1/5? Will you recommend someone should read it? What sort of person should read the book? A student, a banker, a lawyer, a teacher, a young person, a child...?
These are the questions you should be answering in your review. You don't have to answer all of them. But I hope this helps as you think about the review you will write.
As a beginner, I recommend you start with simple review templates such as "5 Things I Learned From Baby Steps For Reading by Lengdung Tungchamma" 📙.
Write the top 5 Lessons and leave it there, with time you can become better.
If all this is to hard, just post your favourite quotes from the book. That's a good way to begin.
✅ I'm always wishing you the best, my friend.
You can always ask me any question about reading. Don't forget to share with your friends and invite them to become readers!
Thank you so much for the guidelines. I am so sure it will be of help to me. Thank you 💕