Happy Mothers Day
To The Mothers
Who shed tears for their lost sons and daughters
Who struggle daily to provide food for their family
Who trek to Farin Gada to buy food items and sell just so their sons and daughters can have something to eat
Who hawk food in Terminus just so their families won't starve for the night
Who rise by 4 Am so they can make food for their school children
Who sell their wrappers to send their children to school
Who stay up late in the night praying for their sons and daughters
Who have the courage and boldness to bring a child into this world!
Who look their children, with pain and hope in their eyes and regularly say "Tomorrow will be better, my child. We must never up".
Today is for you! Today is a reminder that you are incredibly amazing!
Happy Mothers Day!
Dedicated To All The Mothers in Jenta! I love you! I know the sacrifices you made for us!