Michael Sugrue has become a bridge that can transport you to Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Descartes, Nietzche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Kikiergaard, and many more.
Do you know this man?Â
I assume most of you don't. Don't beat yourself; he is not Bill Gates or Ed Sheeran. He wasn't even rich, and he wasn't even a celebrity. Oh, maybe he was! He was our celebrity.Â
The other day, I met a friend whom I had not seen in a long time; we started talking about the boredom of all these modern writings that are nearly all the same and the difficulty of conversing with modern men about the old things we've read. In our conversation, we came to realize that both of us had stumbled upon a YouTube channel that we had binged on. That YouTube channel was run by Michael Sugrue, not him, but his daughter.Â
The channel is not the kind of channel you would expect today. It is a channel that posts classroom lectures and lectures on boring topics related to philosophy and the Western world. They were not fancy. They were not sensational. They were not highly edited. They are just 1 hour of a single individual standing in front of a classroom teaching. But folks, I was fully in! Once I began listening to Michael Sugrue talk about Marcus Aurelius and his book Meditations, I couldn't stop. Michael Sugrue makes you fall in love with philosophy. You fall in love with all these old and ancient guys that have no bearing today.Â
Michael Sugrue is the best guy to listen to on any topic he has presented about. I have read criticisms of some of his beliefs, and yes, he deserves those criticisms, but I wish to remind his critics that this is the last dinosaur we've seen here. He has carried old topics and made them interesting for 21st Century folks. He has made Marcus Aurelius as interesting as Paulo Coelho. He has made Nietzche more interesting than he made himself. He presented the consequences of believing in the Bible more than preachers on the pulpit have done.Â
Michael Sugrue has become a bridge that can transport you to Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Descartes, Nietzche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Kikiergaard, and many more.Â
Why is this posting going live today? Well, two days ago, Dr. Michael Sugrue died!Â
This image you see is the image his daughter posted announcing his obituary. Notice the Rabindranath Tagore quote. (How can I not love a man who loves Rabindranath Tagore?) "He who plants a tree knowing that he will never sit under its shade has at least begun to understand the meaning of life."Â
Michael Sugrue has planted a tree on his YouTube channel. The knowledge there is worth more than just your time; we now have it for free, and it will continue to be for a very long time.Â
I came to realize that lectures were part of a series that he delivered decades ago. He made them available for free. Michael Sugrue has begun to understand life.Â
May your journey in the yonder land be bliss! For those of us still here, we can sit under this tree and eat its fruit. You can begin here 👉
On reading the quote, I connected it to planting trees.
But after reading, it is more about planting a tree of knowledge.
Thank you for sharing.