Easter Friday is one of those times that we can all relate to.
There is always that one time or period when everything seems to be falling apart. That one time when the whole curtain seems to be drawn against us. That period when we feel we are out of options. That period when there is just nothing we can do. That period when we accept that we are doomed.
That is what happened on Easter Friday.
The curtain was drawn against the son of God. All hope was gone. There was nothing Peter or John could do again. Mary looked on, unable to save her beloved Son. The evil forces of this world had triumphed. They had killed a man whose only crime was doing good. This is one of those moments when we say "why do bad things happen to Good people?".
This is the end of the story.
It is hard to imagine that there's another chapter to this story. It is hard to imagine that this is not the end.
Yet, the story doesn't end here... Sunday is coming!
This is your reminder that Sunday is coming, and all hope cannot be lost!
Even the most impossible situations have a turnaround.
Lengdung Tungchamma