This is the second Dane Ortlund book I am reading this year. He is so good, so good (In mummy Erika’s voice). Deeper is a book about Christian growth, however, it makes the argument in a way that I’ve never listened to. It makes the point that Christian growth is something that happens on the inside. The direction of growth in Christianity is not that we go forward or faster, it is that we go deeper. How interesting!
This book shifts the conversation to a new level, it insists that what indicates a growing Christian is not the level of his or her commitment to physical things, but what happens in the heart. Of course, activities are good. But activities are not always the true indication of the heart. I love this book because Dane quoted several authors to make his points. St Augustine, CS Lews, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Martin Lloyd Jones, etc. It was a refreshing book, calm and piercing. It reached my heart.
Ultimately, I was drawn to this book because I am a sinner myself. I am struggling to reach the mark, I want to hear at the end “Welcome home faithful servant”. If you are like me, you may consider reading this as it will help you on this impossible journey, made possible only because we do not boast of our strength but of the saving grace which Jesus showed to us by dying on the cross. He said “It is finished”, I’m sure he meant it. That’s my confidence, not even a book as good as this!