Collecting Books
People have asked me how I have collected so many books at such a young age. Part of it is luck and gifts. But most of it was an intentional decision I and Joseph Shekwotayami George made. We resolved that we will use a certain percentage of our salary every month for books.
We were dead serious about it as much as we were dead serious about our budget for food. In fact, there were several months that as soon as we got our salary, the first thing we did was purchase books. In some months we set aside as much as 10k for books purchase.
We made large purchases regularly. The library was building. Sometimes we will have some change after cutting all monthly expenses, instead of purchasing any other thing, what we got was books.
The result is what we currently have.
Part Addiction.
Part Gift.
And mostly an intentional decision. Except if you are in school, no one will force you to buy a book or to read them, it has to be a decision followed by action.
Good luck.